Discuss App
The design phase mostly results in some sort of design definition, a styleguide or UI specification. The next in line – mostly a software engineer – uses the styleguide to rebuild the screendesign with his software tools.
This process is often time consuming and error-prone.
Discuss is a web app developed in house to improve the communication between design and software. With Discuss screen specifications can easily be created and handed over to the software department for implementation.
Furthermore Discuss contains a Image/File manager to communicate designs with others (e.g. clients).
Even simple click dummies can be created by defining clickable areas on images linking to other images.
This is very helpful for quick prototypes.
Discuss is the successor of Justtguide (justgui.de), a desktop app for creating screen definitions build with Actionscribpt 3 & Adobe Air.
Tech: HTML5, Angular JS, PHP, Mysql