Digital ghosts
With the group Universal Interaction we were ask to create a piece for the exhibition “Analog Mensch Digtal” hosted and initialized by shutterstock. Analog Mensch Digital was about the visions of human existens within digital worlds.
Our work raise the question of how analog and digital existance merge.
We created an interactive bathroom mirror which minipulates the face of the viewer in unexpected ways. This piece was accompaniod by a series of posters. For processing the images we created a dedicated piece of software.
The mirror uses an Open Frameworks application, the poster software was written in processing
At the time, Universal Interaction consisted of Michael Schmitz, Andreas Muxel, David Grieshammer, Michael Jurisch and Thomas Sulzbach
Digital Ghosts was shown at following events:
06. – 15. 09. 2014 Analog Mensch Digital, Berlin
23.10 – 31.11. 2015 Digital_ia Festival, Stettin, Polen
08.11.2017 DWNRW Summit Düsseldorf